


Don't get me wrong, its not the government healthcare for pregnant women, its the labeling of the fetus as an "unborn child". This does seem like the feds are worming their way towards making it harder (if not illegal) to get an abortion.
Color Me Badd

At this time you are really feeling quite exhausted by all the conflict and quarrelling that is going on about you and you are looking for some sort of protection from this state of affairs. Ideally you are seeking a peaceful condition and a tranquil environment in which you can be afforded the chance to relax and recover.

Now there are many things in life that you require as being essential to your well-being ... but try as you may - something always seems to be getting in your way .... a word of advice .... "keep trying" and you may be pleasantly surprised to see just how matters turn out - .

Enough is enough ... But the problems never seem to stop. They never stop.. You feel, and maybe you are right, that the problems seem to go on and on ...and you have indeed had more than your fair share of trials and tribulations. But to give you credit ...You bounce back - Time again and again.... you stick to your beliefs because deep down you have that inner knowledge, that "belief" system that in the end -everything will turn out OK...and you are right....it will !

For whatever the reason, you find it extremely difficult to sustain relationships ... that is, to sustain them in the manner that you would wish. You are a very gentle sort of person ... full of feeling, sensitivity and susceptible to love and affection ... looking and longing for a partner with whom you can enjoy "All things bright and beautiful".. someone with whom you can seek out the more esoteric things of life. But up to now this person has only existed in your imagination. You are very choosy, appreciative, refined and extremely artistic in temperament and it is your hope to seek others who will allow you to form and express your own taste and judgement, and who at the same time may assist you in your intellectual or artistic growth.

In the past your trusting attitude has often been misunderstood ... and so you have needed to protect yourself against your tendency to be abused and taken advantage of. As a consequence you possibly adopt an aloof and critical attitude and you are only willing to let your guard down once sincerity and trustworthiness can be assured.

courtesy of the overly analytical folks at colorgenics.com.
(and this quiz swiped from carly)
Seen on VH1, scrolling across the screen:

Happy birthday to repetitious composer Philip Glass (65). Happy birthday to repetitious composer Philip Glass (65).
As usual, not much going on here. I'm in desparate need of a haircut. I'll post some stuff tomorrow, I swear. This is just a filler post. I'm living and moving and, on occassion, typing things.


I've been neglecting this little blip on the net, and for that I apologize.

So what've I been up to? I went and saw Kung Pow: Enter the Fist two nights ago, and it was one of the funiest movies I've ever seen. It was like MST3K, but they just dubbed in the people who made fun of the movie. You'll understand if you go see it, which you should if you enjoy blatant stupidity.

Last night me, my roomate Jimmy, and a friend named Stu started a game of risk. On my first turn I lost 14 armies. FOURTEEN. And how many guys did I kill? None. It was an interesting run of luck...if by luck you mean not luck. So I was pretty much out of the game. We haven't finished the game yet, but I have no more than 1 army on any property. Oh yeah, and those 14 armies were all in Australasia. I was following the patented Eddie Izzard stratedy for winning at Risk.

Not much else is going on. I have an org. chem test tomorrow, a genetics test Tuesday, and I have to have We read by...oh yeah, tomorrow. So I better be off.

for now, adios.


you know...I don't know. I never do. I never have. That's how I get to where I am now, you see. And on the off chance I do know, I make damn sure I forget. Forget situations. Remember only feelings. What is this? Sadness or anger? They are indistinguishable now.


Ok, so I promised info about Atom Monday. It's now Wednesday losing footing towards Thursday...but I think that's close enough when you consider the age of the universe. So there.

Atom was yet another great experience courtesy of the Orpheum! The most surprising thing of the evening was a mosh pit, although seeing the kindred spirit of Jay from Jay and Silent Bob dance around and babble about cow pastures and self piercing was intriguing. A good time was had by all that went, and I bought the 2 Atom cds I didn't own. I now own all of them save for the cd from his punk band Fracture. Eh, next show...

I am very tired and am now going to bed. Goodnight to all, more thorough entries to follow soon, I promise. As soon as I have some creativity instilled in me once more.


Apocalypse (for) Now! has been updated. We're up to 7 now, everybody! Woo!


CD, or not CD?

Yep, I'm in trouble. The CD store on campus reopened. And its even better, with more of a selection of used CDs. Monday I bought The Boo Radleys last album Kingsize. I bought it on a whim, not having head anything but a few snips of the cd, and its great. Friday I go back, and spot the new Aphex Twin CD Drucqs, and its a damn good double CD set. Perhaps too good. I blame it on me slipping into a zone while driving home from Orlando to St. Pete and snapping out of it 10 minutes later, thinking "damn, I'm in Tampa? What track am I on? Well, I'm still behind the same white minivan, so I guess I didn't crash." I have an "autopilot" feature in my head and I didn't even know it.

Looking forward to tomorrow, as I get to go see Atom and His Package tomorrow night at the Orpheum with Rachel & co! Huzzah! I'll let ya'll know how it was Monday. Until then...

Peace out, homies. Word.
They're rioting in Africa
They're starving in Spain
There's hurricanes in Flo-ri-da
And Texas needs rain
The whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch
And I don't like anybody very much!

But we can be tranquil and thankful and proud
For man's been endowed with a mushroom-shaped cloud
And we know for certain that some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off
And we will all be blown away!

They're rioting in Africa (whistling)
There's strife in Iran
What nature doesn't so to us
Will be done by our fellow man

The Kingston Trio - The Merry Little Minuet

This song was sung by myself and John Hatton at the 1997 high school Model U.N. convention as our country's (Bhutan's) opening statement. One of my best memories. Some of the older folks in charge weren't too apperciative, though the other delegates and numerous others thoroughly enjoyed it.


The World on Morphine

So! Not much going on, as usual. Downloading a bunch of King Missle, because they're great and I need to go buy their albums.

Hmm...what else to say? It looks like I'm going to have spent about $350 on books this semester, which is really scary considering I already had my Organic Chem book, so I only had to buy books for 3 classes. Bleh.

Oh yes. I have a little bit to say on the Orange County Sheriff's Department. I almost forgot.
I was stopped at a stoplight, with the windows down, listening to Morphine's The Night (a great album, which everyone should own. Go buy it. Now. NOW!). I will say the volume was louder than it needed to be, but it was not excessive, and it was a beautiful evening. I may as well have some enjoyment while I'm stuck in Orlando traffic, right? Oh yes, and before I continue, for those of you who know me, I was NOT driving the Talon of Fun and Good Times with the modified stereo, but the Maximum Force Maxima with the factory one.
Anyway, back to where I started. I was at a stoplight, andthere was a Sheriff's vehicle 2 cars behind me and 1 lane over. I hear him come on his loudspeaker and say "Turn it down or get a ticket. That is too loud."
This amazes me, as he did have his windows up. I thought he might have been talking to someone else, but I could not hear any other stereos playing. So I turned it down.
That's pretty much the anticlimatic end to my story. It just surprised me. I terrorized the airwaves with the Talon's heavily altered stereo system numerous times, in both Orlando and St. Pete, and never got into trouble. I do it with the Maxima, and I get reprimanded.

Eh, what're you gonna do?
However, I'm sure he didn't know it was Morphine. Why? Because if he had known it was them, I'm sure he would have asked me to turn it up, so as to make the world a better place.

Thank you.
I am a sensitive artist
Nobody understands me because I am so deep.
In my work, I make allusions to books that nobody else has read,
Music that nobody else has heard,
And art that nobody else has seen.
I can't help it, because I am so much more intelligent and well-rounded
Than everyone who surrounds me.
I stopped watching tv when I was six months old
Because it was so boring and stupid,
And started reading books,
And going to recitals and art galleries.
I don't go to recitals any more,
Because my hearing is too sensitive,
And I don't go to art galleries anymore
Because there are people there,
And I can't deal with people,
Because they don't understand me.
I stay home, reading books that are beneath me,
And working on my work, which no one understands.
I am sensitive.

King Missle - Sensitive Artist



i am sitting at my desk
my coffee cup is steaming
and i am seeming
to flounder
and founder a
slip-shod shuffle
of ideas and ruffles
in logic


I just found out that Dave Thomas died. For some reason, this is rather upsetting.


"Somehow you...it sounds just like a book." - Liza, Notes from Underground
Update to Bassy McRap!
things I heard in the last 10 minutes
Knock, knock, knock.
--one minute pause--
--dog barking--

And so ends his party. Huzzah!
Bassy McRap is at it again upstairs, sending out enough low-frequency vibrations to attract elephants. Dammit, and I have to start (and finish) reading Dostoyevsky by Monday. Bastards!


Today, after a longstanding debate and numerous schedule changes, I finally have my schedule nailed down for next semester:
MWF 9 - 9:50 - Organic Chemistry I
MWF 11-11:50 - Microbiology
MW 12 - 1:50 Microbiology lab
TR - Genetics
MWF 3 - 3:50 - Politics and Literature.

What? Yes. Politics and literature. I can't wait to take this class. The instructor is Kiel, previously mentioned on this site for his fantastic quotes, such as "every city should have open-container laws" and "I'm the most draconian SOB you'll ever meet". And the reading list? My biggest to date.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky Notes From Underground
J. M. Coatzee Waiting for the Barbarians
Yevgeny Zamyatin We
Philip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Anthony Burgess The Wanting Seed
Ursula K. Le Guin The Dispossessed
Ernest Callenbach Ectopia
Olesha Envy

I can't wait!


Ok, I've been threatening to redo my poetry archive for awhile (at least to a few people) and I finally did it. It is now easier to navigate and pick out various poems. Here it is.


On the fifth day of Christmas, my amusing love sent to me; five fluff-covered choc-ices! Four sparkly bones, three sinister spinning tops, two Transylvanian parcels and a demon in a lackey.

- Random Surrealism Generator


I just did something very humorous, so I shall share it with you all. I made some Carnation Instant Breakfast in the kitchen...the powder is on top, I haven't stirred it in yet. I go to my room, sit down at this here comp, then forgetting the powder was not stirred in, proceeded to attempt to drink it. I then promptly inhaled a bunch of the mix. Bleh!

Oh yeah, and its 30 degrees outside. THIRTY! What business does Orlando have being that cold?


Here's your bill, sir

I spent my weekend in a lake.
At 5am.
In 30 degree weather.
Why, you ask?
I joined the U.S. Rangers.
Nah. I was given the opportunity to go duckhunting...and not knowing how one duck hunts, I foolishly said "Sure! I'll go and get hypothermia and frostbite! I never liked having all my fingers and toes anyway!"
Evidently, you duckhunt by:
a)waking up at 4am
b)riding in an airboat at 4:45am
c)sitting in Lake Okeechobee at 5am
d)wait for ducks to fly by

Consequently, I was very, very, very cold. Despite having numerous layers of clothing on. I did manage to get a few ducks, AND I got a bitchin' nap on sawgrass. It was a unique experience, to say the least.

Anyway, I'm done with the whining for now. I start classes tomorrow here at UCF, and I must be going to bed now. Adios.


Just a random quote from me:

I'm not fat, I'm famine resistant!
Update time!

I have nothing to say. So there!

I'm getting ready to head back to St. Pete today...and I still really need to do my schedule for next semester. I was going to do it today but I realized I left my catalogue at home. Oh well, I'll do it tomorrow. That's about all for now. Further updates as events warrant!


My anthem is:
"Electro-Shock Blues," by Eels.
I'm a very giving person, which means I frequently cut myself short. Everyone sees me as being perfectly alright, without any huge problems of my own, but I beg to differ. Even when I ask for help, no one really believes me... I'm trying, but it's not easy.
Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE!

No, I didn't rig it. But I wouldn't have it any.other.way.
Just a quick post. Here's a pic of me last night. I was festive.


enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh
is singing)silence:but unsinging.   In
spectral such hugest how hush,one

dead leaf stirring makes a crash

--far away (as far as alive)lies
april;and i breathe-move-and-seem some
perpetual roaming whylessness--

autumn has gone:will winter never come?

o come,terrible anonymity;enfold
phantom me with murdering minus of cold
--open this ghost with millionary knives of wind--
scatter his nothing all over what angry skies and

         (very whiteness:absolute peace,
never imaginable mystery)

e e cummings
Well, its now 2002. Don't know what to say, really. The past year has been one of my more fucked up indeed. Some good things have come out of it (I started writing poetry again) and some bad things came out of it (mostly in the form of nasty old habits returning). Like I say, old habits lie hard in wait. I will forever have the marks of this year on me. It won't be forgotten. If I could do it all over again, though, there are few things I would change. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Eh, that'll be the end of this rambling post. You all have a good 2002, and take care. This hungry, slightly inebriated Cy is going to sleep. Adios.
blue girl has added a new sign to Apocalypse (for) Now!. Woo!