
I just fixed my roomate's TV, after fixing his cell phone last night.

Damn I'm good.

And in non-bragging news...Cecil the Spider seems to have dissappeared. Probably moved onto better places, where he can bite me when I'm least expecting it. Oh well.
There's a spider living under the bottom ledge of the cabinet for my bathroom sink. I think I'll let this one live, and see what he's up to. Henceforth, he shall be dubbed Cecil the Spider. I'll let you know what happens with him. I do forsee his death coming when I forget he's under there, put my foot under the ledge, and he bites my toe. But we'll just have to wait and see how this unfolds.


Why are there so many spiders in my apartment?
See this watch she gave me?
Well it still ticks away
The days I'm claiming back
for me

The medication's wearing off
Gonna hurt not a little, a lot
Keep on tickin' you're not lickin' me

Step on a crack break your mother's heart
Red light green light black
Suicide e-mail do not delete
Plug it back in the jack
Start to be what they want you to be
And you can see yourself as they see you

Sunrise on the corner of
Sunset and Alvarado
I think what the hell do I do now
Watch the day disintegrate
So I can stay up late and wait

See this watch she gave me?
Well it still ticks away

EELS - The Medication is Wearing Off


The good mood continues! I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep, but I am not tired whatsoever. I woke up with no difficulty, and right before my alarm went off.

Today! Today will be a good day. About freakin' time! And how about that...a good day, despite having an organic chem test in 4 hours! Oh yeah!
I am in an exceeding good mood.

Several things I am thankful for:
1) Carnation Instant Breakfast, a glass of which I'm drinking right now (chocolate, for those who are wondering)
2) The Counting Crows cd August and Everything After, which has been repeating itself for several hours now.
3) Carly, someone who is up as late as I am, able to keep me company, and assist me in my procrastination of studying for organic chem.

Back to studying! Hyah!
Just got back from home, and now have massive amounts of studying to do for organic chem...and yet here I am, typing to blogpot to add this to my blog. Eh, what are you gonna do?

Regardless, I had a good weekend, and now I've got some dove to eat! Oh yeah! And before you get on my case about hunting, come over here and have some, and then you'll know why I do it. So there.


I am pissed. That's all there is to it. I have to wake up in four hours, the FUCKING PEOPLE UPSTAIRS ARE BLASTING BASS!

I can't wait for this week to end. It has sucked ass, and the only good thing to come out of it came on the first day when I got the Eels cd. Argh...


Hey hey....I can post now just by sending IMs...so expect more posts now! And maybe I can get off this mopey, bitchy kick I've been on for awhile in the ol' blog. Anyway, gotta go to class, just wanted to try this out. Adios.


Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Huzzah for internet tests! Convincing those online they're nuts, one day at a time.


haha i win. and lose. as is per usual. want to moveandshakeandyellandshout, but only expression is coming from 6 digits. as is per usual. at what point did normal functioning fail?
holdingsteady and maintainingbalace. damn. ...and i wanted so much...
Several things:

Saturday night I went to the Ours concert in downtown Orlando at the Sapphire club with Carly, and it was great.

Today, the new Eels cd Souljacker appeared in my mailbox. Thank you, amazon.co.uk! The cd rocks hard, just as E intended. That's all for now. Immunology test tomorrow. Bleh.


roadside debirs has been updated, after 3 months of being neglected. Why, you ask? I have a favor to ask all of you. I'm entering a poetry contest so I can wreak havoc upon the general populous with my writing, and I would be appreciative if ya'll could tell me what to burn, and what to submit. Thanks. Just pick a poem and comment or post or e-mail. Thanks.


I've got a bar of green tea scented soap by my desk. My sister gave it to me last semester not to use as soap, but as "soapourri", if you will (you can kick me later). It filled up my room with that scent at the end of last school year. I have it in my room again this year, but I can't smell it unless I put my nose to it. The smell blunts my senses, dulls my soul, and somehow makes all my thoughts sharp and pointed and focused on everything that happened then.

I should probably get rid of it.

But I can't.

I wanna get me a little oblivion, baby, try to keep myself away from me. - Counting Crows, "Perfect Blue Buildings"


Alright...I'm getting my act together. Just fixed the archives.
Wow...check it out...progress....gress without re as a prefix. See the link below all my posts that says "remark"? Well, guess what? Now you can post comments on posts...just click on that link to add them and to view them. Enjoy, you teeming, seething, writhing hordes of viewers, you.


HAHAHAHAHAHA! SUCCESS! Today I ordered the import version of the new EELS album Souljacker for about $16.60 after shipping...hahahaha...the day is mine! I can't wait for it to get here.

Oh yeah, and why order the import? Because that way I can get it NOW instead of NEXT YEAR when its released domestically, and it comes with a bonus cd. Excellent.


For many Afghans, the nightly air raids were becoming difficult to bear, even in a war-hardened country. Sardar Mohammed, a Kabul diesel-and-gasoline merchant, said he and his family eat dinner early, then before nightfall move everyone into a room with only one window, which is blocked up with bedding.
``To stop the shrapnel,'' he said. ``We learned this during the civil war.'' - from an A. P. article

If you're of the praying type, pray for the victims. In both hemispheres.


let me level (with) you,
and raze/raise your spirits.

/////i am not and undoing
    (dis)embodied and
downtrodden and sodden

leave me alone
as i (be)come a( )part

Yeah. That's what you get at 5am. sorry.


need sleep. and not music.


When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
And I wish I was special
You're so very special

And I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here

I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice when I'm not around
You're so very special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell I'm doing here?
When I don't belong here


She's running out again
She's running out
She run run run RUUUUUUUN


Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so very special
I wish I was special

But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here.

- Radiohead Creep (acoustic version)

(to report)