
Ok, I fixed the link (thanks for letting me know it didn't work, R.) NOW you can revel in it.
You want an update? I got yer update right here....see? here it is.

Well, the professor took my paper, thankfully, and with no penalty

Saturday I went to MegaCon and nerded out for several hours. I did find the other 2 Cowboy Bebop soundtracks, so now I have plentiful amounts of good music from Japan. Oh yeah.

Not much else going on...I just got back from Tiajuana flats with my roomate Jimmy...we went there so he could study for chem with his professor, who works there too.

Oh , and remember I mentioned the comic? Well, I still haven't made the page. But I've got a comic online. You can see it here. Revel in its masterful recreation of the human form.

That's it for now....more updates eventually...I swear.


I'm glad this week is over. It has not been one of my better ones in any way.
As previosly stated, I stayed up all night writing an essay. I completed it. It was good. I didn't go to bed. At 8:30, I went to organic chem class. Got back here at 10:15. Went to sleep at 11, confident that my alarm would wake me up at 1:30. Fastforward to 4:06. I wake up, and swear profusely, having completely missed the class. Then I put a dent in my wall, courtesy of my fist. It's just an essay, you say? It may be just an essay, but its half of my final grade. And the professor stated he will not take any late papers. I emailed him at 4:29, with the attached essay and pointed out that the last modified time on the file was 6:26am. We'll see what happens.

To anyone who wants to know to stay awake in class despite not getting any sleep the night before:

Walk in the pouring rain while on your way to class. That way you will be freezing and soaking wet for the next hour while learning about alkenes in organic chemistry. Trust me. It works.

Its early for most, but late for me. I didn't sleep tonight, as I am Captain Procrastination and said "Eh, I'll do my 1500 word paper the night before it's due." Which is exactly what I did. It's done, and I do believe it's damn good. In other news, I have realized I have been missing a great band for awhile now. The Mountain Goats put more fire and intensity into songs with just a singer and an acoustic guitar than almost every band I can think of. IM me (cycoe on AIM) and I'll send you a couple songs of theirs. Because no one should exist on this planet without them.

The most remarkable thing about coming home to you
is the feeling of being in motion again.
Its the most extraordinary thing in the world.

I have two big hands
And a heart pumping blood
And a 1967 Colt .45
With a busted safety catch.

The world shines,
As I cross the Macon county line
Going to Georgia.

The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway
Is that it's you, and that you're standing in the doorway,
And you smile as you ease the gun from my hand
I am frozen with joy, right where I stand
The world throws its light underneath your hair
40 miles from Atlanta this is nowhere
Going to Georgia.

The world shines
As I cross the Macon county line
Going to Georgia.

- The Mountain Goats - Going to Georgia

And I would have been able to fall from the sky onto it, too, if it wasn't for you moronic moles!

- Random Surrealism Generator

...and I promise a massive update soon. I swear. I've been losing lots of sleep and taking tests and writing essays. Adios.


too tired to post. will post later. adios.


...I can't sleep, man,
I never sleep.


i really fucked up this time

i'm nauseaus

i'm sorry


This just in: If you seach for "i wish i was special", with the quotes, on AltaVista, guess whose page will be the first hit? Mwahaha. This happened late last night to someone in the moscow/baghdad timezone.
Alright, I'm a lazy bastard so I haven't posted...but I really don't have anything much to say.

I bought 2 new CDs, the new NIN CD, and it is excellent, and I also bought The Avalanches, which turned out to be surprisingly refreshing and well-done techno-dance-disco-psychadelic-funk stuff. It'll make sense if you hear it.

I'm working on an online comic, and I hope to have that up sometime next week.

I took a microbiology test today, and I was eaten alive by it. Yay.



Oh yeah, and if this isn't a self-serving post, nothing is.

Please sign my guestbook. I'd like to know who ya'll are. Thanks.
...and here's another rambling post for you.

My roomates, a friend, and I played poker tonight...and after 2 hours, I came out the victor having finished $15 ahead. I feel guilty, though, so I'll probably take them out to lunch. Heh. Tomorrow I've got to study for a microbiology test on Wednesday, and I have to finish reading Olesha's Envy. Yes, that's right.....finish! That means I started it before it was due! I win!

Oh well. I guess that's about it for now. I'll leave you with some Atom and His Package lyrics. This song is about how he'd like to build a big crane to drop everyone he didn't like onto an island in the middle of the ocean. It's called Avenger.

Ever think to yourself about an option?
A different way to be,
Let's round up the no good doodz
And put 'em on an island in the middle of the sea.
I thought of a plan, two years ago,
It seems to solve any problem,
Any single problem that I think I ought to know.
It involves a heavy piece of machinery,
That has the responsibility of lifting an entire country.
#1: I pick up the guy from the Deadguy show
(Who beat me and my friends up for NO reason).
#2: I scoop up the entire Canadian Border Patrol
(Who were very mean to me).
Sometimes its hard to believe
That they're brethren of you and me,
I got an excellent idea
Build an island where we can dump the rest of the world
Or maybe just you and me.
Here's how it works, I use the crane to pick up Israel,
And safely place it in Wyoming, where it thrives real well.
Singlehandedly I solved the Middle East
And on the way I got a Nobel Prize, for Peace.


Once again, I really have nothing to say. Sorry to those who check and go "I'm bored....I hope Brandon posted something entertaining," then checking here and discovering that I merely put up this, a wretched filler post. Sorry. Heh.


...and DAMN it feels good to do this again.

feel the slip-shod shuffle
and pulsing rhythm
of the street.

the soft moist night
wrapped in blankets
of moonlight and darkness.

our footsteps pound
on black-sky asphalt,
parting street lights into shadows;
and the sound penetrates
the yielding night air.

and down the street, sirens wail,
and as they pass we float
on thick warm steam
through to the heavens.

Random Original Poetry, courtesy of M(e/yself), and unoutFluences.
Alright! This update is going to be random, as I have numerous things to say.

UF was great...had a party, and it was busted by the cops twice. The second time, there were only 3 people there, including myself. The cop was rather embarrassed...he "had a noise complaint, and heard a 'whoop'", so he thought it was us. He kind of hung his head down, apologized, and headed off after we politely informed him the police had already been over here once and hour ago. Previously on that same night, I actually went to a club...and noted that I probably had the longest hair for a guy there. Heh.

In other news, remember that Risk game I was talking about? We finally finished it today. And I won. That's what happens when you use your minor forces to stop anyone from getting too strong, letting the 2 strongest foes battle it out weakening eachother, striking when you have cards, taking out one of the opponents, taking his cards, and dominating the rest of the game. My roomate was kicking himself for not taking me out when he had the chance.

A couple random quotes of mine from this weekend and today:
"Alcohol, its only a depressant when you run out."
"I don't want to go to class. I hate classes. I'm like Karl Marx."

Alright, I think that about covers it....though I am about to go nuts from a constant beeping sound, as BOTH my roomates are playing Final Fantasy X on their respective Playstation 2's.


JOHN MORROW, Welcome to your new startup page, courtesy of your roomate. Heh.


back from uf. more to follow.


Well, I'm off to UF for a bit. Just thought I'd let you know. Now I must be off to beat rush hour traffic. Adios!