
Noted on Rachel's arm -

THE SAGA! - Brandon and Rachel drove and drove and drove ---->
Until they got to the Hard Rock C House of Blues!
[stickfigure] Rachel with handkerchief on head [/stickfigure] "I'm going to see the Counting Crows!"
[stickfigure] Brandon with glasses and goatee [/stickfigure] "And I bought a shirt!"
(we did NOT get lost)
It was a long wait...in which we met lots of interesting people..
and Rachel had a Mystery lollipop while we listened to the Byrds..
and Brandon stroked his chin.
EDITOR'S NOTE: From here, we move on to a napkin, as Rachel has run out of arm space.
STEW was great!
"the naked Dutch Painter "
and beatles covers,
LAPD & Peter Jennings!
(I wrote on this guy's back)
it took a long time for CC to come out, and tempers were rising...but we stood next to two lovely people who saved the evening
"this is, like, whatever!" (bonde in red) (too much beer?)
EDITOR'S NOTE: we are now making this up as we go!
Adam & Crows played lots of new songs, and told us to bootleg everything, but have some morals and not release it before they did.
We were horizontal for exceedingly long periods of time, and consequently our feet hurt. However, we were excellent accompanists and sang along. And because of that, we are hoarse, and want hay.
And so now we toddle off to bed, after a long long day, driving a long long way, standing a long long time, to hear a long night of great music.



Life is not.
Its coked&cracked up -
to be precise.

Random Original Poetry, courtesy of M(e/yself), and unoutFluences.


Yo! Im here in the UCF library, 3rd floor, using a spiffy wireless laptop I checked out from the library. Feel my technologically-enhanced wrath! Im just killing time between classes. I SHOULD be studying, as I have a test both on Thursday and Friday, with the Counting Crows concert in between the two, but eh...I'll worry about that later.

While I'm here babbling aimlessly, I'll shed a little light on the last poem, in case anyone is confused. This poem was a result of the words "(com)Promised Land" popping into my head moments before sleep...so I wrote them down, then wrote a poem to go along with it. Here, I'm just bitching about "Christians" who flaunt their Christianity but act like, well, what they would call heathens. So there. Nyeah. As a side note, I could care less about premarital sex. Just don't be self-rightous and then a complete hypocrite. On an ever further side note (side note = attempt at procrastination) I still have no clue as to what my religious affiliation is..."The Psychotic Bastard Religion!" (-Eddie Izzard) sounds good though, until you realize he's referring to the Anglican Church.

Also! My Pseudo-Magnetic Poetry back at my apartment has yielded its first nanopoem:

Passive Dreams
Sharp Edges
Hard Pain

(thrilling, ain't it? Aren't you glad you kept reading through this rambling post?)

To Study!


Go(o)d Little (geez-us) Christ/ian Boy /
Go(d)d Little (geez-us) Christ/ian Girl /
in the unname of pro-creating bliss ( holier
than thou but
rutting nonethe less)
The slip-n-slide of self delusions
and hip-joined-ocracy,
leading each self to the (com)Promised Land.

Random Original Poetry, courtesy of M(e/yself), and unoutFluences.
Im stuck in one of those odd moods where all things are too sharp and nothings fitting together right. It'll probably work itself out by morning.

At any rate, I just finished Will Self's How The Dead Live...a total mindfuck and utterly stunning novel(at least, for me). I'll post some of the quotes I liked from it...these are all the main character, Lily Bloom (born in the 1920s, died in the 1980s), speaking and acting as narrator of her story. She is, by the way, dead. NOTE: There are no typos.

"Gog grant me the stupidity to deny there's anything I cannot change, the temerity to neglect the things I can, and the ignorance to be incapable of distinguishing between the two."

"High-heeled sneakers - verily, that's what they are. They're exactly like the basketball boots kids wore in the fifties - rubber-soled, black or white canvas uppers, thick white laces, cross-threaded all the way up to the ankle - but they've got high heels. Fancy that. Imagine such an asinine article of footwear being sung into being by a nigger minstrel. They didn't get to lie down by the waters of Babylon, nor did they rock in the bosom of Abraham, the chariot never swung low enough for them to catch a ride home, but they did get to wear high-heeld sneakers. If God exists, clearly he is a fashion-conscious queen, so much attention has he lavished on the accessories of this world, so little on its substance."

"Mirrored fucking buildings - where did THEY come from? How could the modern city, with its vaunting ugliness, have the temerity to contemplate itself in these twenty-, thirty-, forty-storey pier-glasses? To ogle its own soullessness, while batting its vertical, textured louvres?"

"I could kill myself with their drug shit, but that is revolting. I could hang myself with any number of cords, ligatures, and strings the terminally neglectful parents have left lying around. I could even - if the taps aren't frozen - drown myself in the fucking bath. All that guff about how ninety per cent of accidents happen in the fucking home, but hey, so do ninety percent of fucking suicides. Statistically we're fools to ever curl up in a bed with a good book, lest the madness sieze us."


There are certain CDs that, whenever I hear them, I immediatly think of a certain time period or event where I listened to them heavily. Here are some of those CDs and places/times/events, because I'm bored.
Eels - Beautiful Freak : Sophomore year in high school
Moby - Play : Bahamas vacation
Atom & His Package - Society of People Named Eliyu : First semester freshman year of college
Atom & His Package - Redefining Music : End of second semester freshman year at college
The Aquabats - The Return of the Aquabats : Summer job after sophomore year of high school
Placebo - Black Market Music : Summer of 2001
Counting Crows - Recovering the Satellites : Christmas break of 1995 when I went to New York

That's all I can think of for now...if I think of any others I'll post them.


Haven't posted in a couple days, so I figure I'll update this thing. Had my first class today: Organic Chemistry. Bleh. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I fear. I am still surrounded by a plethora of boxes. I still have to buy all my books...this should be a pretty expensive semester. The only class I've looked at so for is org. chem., and it will be about $200 for that class alone...nevermind American Nat'l Gov't, Immunology, Humanistic Traditions II, and Statistics (I have all of those classes tomorrow). I am still waiting for Wal-Mart to get a new shipment of black book cases in...they have white and fake woodgrain, but I want black, dammit! As well, my consumerism quest continues as I search for a large magnetic dry-erase board. I DID buy the new(er) Our Lady Peace cd, Spiritual Machines...I am thoroughly enjoying it. That's all for now, as I am retiring for the evening.


Here I am. Orlando/Oveido. Its 3:41am, and I am using the desk I finished building at midnight (Thank you O'Sullivan build-it-yourself furniture). Its good to be back here. No sounds but my headphones, isolated here behind infinately thick paper-thin walls. Roomates make sounds, but not noise. I'm looking around, and consider buying a bookshelf. I am languid and lucid (they fit) and opaque. Out of my window I see a wall. Out of my door I see nothing, as it is closed. As I look straight ahead I see a white wall, clean and sterile, as-of-yet unused and untested and unbruised. Soon it will be pricked and crucified, sacrificing itself for the sake of my own PhotosandPostersandMemoriesandMistakesandHopes. Boxes and tubs lay scattered about, some empty, some full. An air mattress takes up a large portion of my floor space. No real mattress until Sunday. Just sitting here wondering about everything and nothing all at once...the feeling of being overwhelmed covered up by either my need of sleep or this overlaying idea that I am at complete peace right now, radiating warmth. Too bad no one's here to help me figure out which. Stuck here babbling at my computer, in a loop. Its 4:03am now. Eyelids are heavy, but I don'tdon'tdon'tDON'T want to sleep. But I will. I have to. Just sitting here quivering like a candle on fire, feeling instead of being (thanks again, R.) Its 4:06am, and I'm going to bed.


I'm back! I have survived yet another family vacation, with no major incidents to speak of. Had a good time. Many lobsters were caught, and were then eaten and/or frozen to be given to friends. That's all for now...packing continues for the rest of my relocation to Orlando. More news later as events develop.


This may be my last post for awhile. Sunday I'm leaving for the florida keys until the 14th, so don't worry about a lack of posting. At any rate, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed because I have to drive back to St. Pete tomorrow. Adios.


Well, I'm here at my NEW spiffy apartment in Orlando (technically it's Oviedo, but we'll call it Orlando for the sake of argument). I would be unpacking, but I don't have a dresser, or a desk, or a bed...I'm here with most of my stuff and an inflatable bed. Eh, oh well. I will now list all the items I currently have in my room with me:
1. a laptop case
2. a laptop
3. a plastic tub (empty)
4. a cell phone
5. a cell phone charger

All this stuff barely fits into my 11' by 13' room.