
Today I saw a withered
woman pedaling her bike.
Pale legs laced with lines
of age. Blue roadmaps
of streets she had been
on. In the breeze, her upper
arms flapped, pointing away
from her destination.
Crossing an intersection,
a car neared and she
hunkered down and spun
metal. Dimpled flesh smoothed
and white hair became
gold in the sun, and for a flash
fifty years were thrown
over her shoulder and cascaded
down shoulders, rippling.
The black car left-turned,
and the grandma pedaled.
1,009 words!

-9 to go.

I am emailing the story, and then I will be done rocking for the next 24 hours or so.

That is all.
897 words!

103 to go.

I went to class, ate lunch, and am now back to rocking.
ew. nose suddenly stuffed up.


going to get ready for noon class. will finish this story once I get back. yay!
677 words!

333 to go!

Back to rockin' am I!
Ew. nothing I love more than randomly throwing up. though I've felt woozy and lightheaded intermittently for the past couple hours (note for you, r- I did eat this morning shortly after I woke up. toast and peanut butter).

hope I'm not getting sick.

511 words!

489 to go.

I rock less than I did at 8:43.

Damnable roommates and their distracting nature!
416 words!

584 to go.

I rock. Even more than I did at 7:21 a.m.
114 words!

886 to go.

I rock.
papers for research litter my bed. I'm here with a blank word document, trying to procure words from that inner pool of bullshit I use as supply for things like this feature. they're not coming. they'd better.

bed is screaming in my ear and I know better than to head in that direction.

500 words, I tell myself. 500 words and I can crawl back into bed for a bit. I'll have earned it.

We'll see what happens.

Really, I'd just rather write in here and bitch for awhile, then check it for comments (not that anyone reads this anyway).

Nonetheless! Ok, actually, I think I've tapped that inner fountain of cultural waste. Thanks, blog.

Away I go.


Overcast overcast over cast. Overshadowed. Fall is starting to show in Florida, and as temperatures drop I will sleep at night with my window open.


peace of mind
and breathable
air at the low
price of ten
cents a minute.
thank you


bitch bitch bitch

Ugh. Hit in head with hammer. Congestion both in my head and on my floor; looking behind me makes me claustrophobic. Up from nap not happily so. Apartment still empty, gaping void of cardboard cutouts and nautical merchandise. It works, though. Adrift am I and if I were to grab the oar and wheel off the wall would it help? Doubtful.

Much to do much to write and I don't want to do any of it. Away messages tell me there will be partying here tonight. Social for a bit, then huddled in here will I be. Clean then work. Right then write.

That's the plan, at least.

Coffee will most likely be dispatched to my system at some point during that process.


I thank the Lord
for the people I have found.
Wow...the Decemberists are playing with The Walkmen October 27th in philly. Damn.
You know, timing
is everything in life
and poetry and why
did we break up now,
after Miss America moved
out of my apartment complex?

I have a CD of gothic lounge music.

Yes, you read that right.

Gothic. Lounge. Music.

You can't beat the Ghoul from Ipanema. You really can't.

Gothic lounge music...

Thank you, Necro Tonz!
Don't you just hate it when you get into a fight with teenagers and your grenade gets enormous?


In other news, home from class. Sources = worthless, so no Vickers profile despite good interview. Still going to do internet dating joke column, I think.

and as for cell phone story?
feed me something
we'll go back to the start
take pride of place
understand our reasons
a photograph taken at the time when
confidence won't up and leave

so loosen your hold
though you might be frightened
release or be caught
if this be the right thing
unable by thought
to look what the tide brings in

South - Loosen Your Hold

Note: the author of this weblog is not himself, and won't be himself for a while (observe the correct AP use of "awhile/a while"). The primary consequence of this temporary emotional disruption will most likely be a blog of teen-age angst proportions. We here at Coe Industries wish to ensure you that this is merely temporary. Once the author has recovered, the angst will once again resume tolerable levels. Until then please bear with us.

Coe Industries
Here we go...
up and typing into here.
what now? where to from here?
visit looms and I still don't know if it's a good idea.
but god I want to.
then again it's not about what I want
because if everything was what I want this post
would never be here.
I don't know what I'm doing.
up from dreams, up in soaked bed,
wrapped around a damp pillow that's no(t/w) mine?
What to do with pillow? books? toothbrush?
I don't know. it's going to be time before I can
answer that. going to take time until I comprehend
and understand -
you know, you'd think after all the times I said with a smile
that this doesn't seem real,
I could just shrug it off.
You're a part of me and under my skin and Rachel?
I don't know what to do.
dance dance dance.

dance to clear your pores.

dance to dry your tears.

dance to shake the earth.

they shake the mountains when they dance


Do you realize you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize we're floating in space?
Do you realize that happiness makes you cry?
Do you realize that everyone you know someday will die?
And instead of saying all of your goodbyesm
Let them know you realize
That life goes fast.
It's hard to make the good things last.
You realize the sun doesn't go down,
It's just an illusion caused
By the world spinning round.

Flaming Lips - Do You Realize


oh so tired and in one of those moods where you don't want to hear the music but feel it. grind up cds and run them through an IV into my chest.
Hee! I like copy editing this story. It's like hunting for flaws.

I take this as a very good sign.


I should lay around and curse the day
That I fell upon your sword.
'Cause I'm a poor boy
And your smile is a drug
That I can't afford,
Any more.
You're a tongue-tied talker with sleepy eyes
That always gets the last word.
You're not broken.
You're just tired and it shows.

When you're done acting tough
You only take two and a quarter to get fucked up.
And when you say you're in love
You just sound like you're giving up.

When you're done acting tough
You only take two and a quarter to get fucked up.
And when you say you're in love
You just sound like you're giving up.

To say I'll be all right would be a risky bet
'Cause I'm about as good as I'm going to get.
These chains are tight.
And the courage that I showed
Left a long time ago.
Just so you know.

When you're done acting tough
You only take two and a quarter to get fucked up.
And when you say you're in love
You just sound like you're giving up.

When you're done acting tough
You only take two and a quarter to get fucked up.
And when you say you're in love
You just sound like you're giving up.

Patrick Park - Your Smile's a Drug

That song is a drug. Jesus. Posting lyrics in hopes of driving it out of my head...and that ain't gonna happen. Oh well. Wanted to type into this thing for a bit, so I am.
Woke up today, finished an article on an entomologist. Then wrote what could possibly be considered one of the greatest columns of all time...a column on Mr. T.
You wish you were me.
It will run in Monday's issue of the Central Florida Future. Yep.

I think I'm done typing for now. My chest is trying to implode.



There was much debate about whether or not putting flags in all of UCF's classrooms would hinder freedom of speech.

Well, in an interesting decision, President Hitt answered that debate.

Evidently, any student or faculty member caught removing one of the American flags newly installed in the campus classrooms, even temporarily, will be guilty of vandalism. He doesn't know what the punishment will be, however.


He also said you can't even roll up the flag and leave it hanging.

Ladies and gentleman...

...we have a winner.

Looks like the "it will prohibit free speech" side wins!


I broke something.

Swift metal cleaved into falling cd, shattering it and throwing up an unexpected cloudburst of glittering foil that drifted to the floor, as sharp plastic shards ran the length of the room.
ARGH ARGH ARGH STUCK GOD DAMN IT (note proper AP style of "damn it")

This article is driving me nuts. Infuriating me. And I can't figure out what to do with it. And I want to scream. And I can't write. And I'm annoyed. And I want to break something.


Today for fun I bought
Stone Temple Pilot's
Core for fifty cents
to give to you. But
inside the tape case
was Purple. I hope
you will still love me.


so, I have a new drawing tablet. a 4x5 Wacom Graphire3 It's fun!

I'm trying to wake up

i am silly and ripping off exploding dog and it's ok.
it is quiet here


Refers to the hunters' pleasure,
their season in fresh air
wearing red caps and warm clothes.
The sport takes skill
and the animals that grace it die
a useful death. Along sight lines
the hunters aim clean shots
at pheasant, quail, geese. At home
the birds are plucked and singed,
roasted with juniper,
served with something sour, something sweet:
cranberries or apricots, perhaps,
for the meat is highly flavored
and distinct.
When you eat it
you must chew gently
for the shot can never be removed;
it becomes part of the bird, like bones,
to be gnawed around, and respected.

Natasha Sajé


tomorrow (later today) going to nuke hard drive and re-install everything.

wish me luck.


Saving this:

September 6th.

could the opening song have been better? no. give my a blue rain give me a black sky give me your green eyes give me your white skin.
softly singing along in ear for holiday in spain, final song on final show.

dog on stage for hangin' around?

money well spent.


out out damn spot
(that's only two)
out! safe&change

purge? (y or n) = y
(x,y) grid your teeth
and qua(si/d) rant.




I want to know what record stores have had to close.

And if, around the same time, a Best Buy or such opened around them.

Shoddy. Journalism.
have to read sentinel feature on alzheimers and of course its a feature and of course its very sentimental and i really don't know if i can read it.

i miss you, grandy. i'm sorry i don't visit. but who would it help?
[SA-Thrillias] Watching porn is... different on 1600x1200.
[SA-NiteFox] You'll go blind. Really. With all the squinting.


[Mantis] Sorry guys, I've got to go and spend some time with the gf
[Mantis] brb


[Zang] How old is Sky?
[Cyril] 25 i think
[Cyril] he just gained a level
[Cyril] er year


[fo0bar] it's 5PM and I haven't put pants on yet. I consider this a good day


[Tetsuro] You have a blog?
[Kat] dude
[Kat] I'm an angsty suburbian teenager
[Kat] and you're asking me if I have a WEBLOG?

From the wonderful Bash.org


phone mocks me


Mao Tse Tung is like a sponge - all ghastly and pear-shaped.


I don't know what to say about this... ::shiver::
The human body never ceases to amaze me.
I don't know where to begin on what's wrong with this.
Anonymous, 09-01-03
i want a password for free acess to the full version some one please tell me im a 16 year old girl ill strip for you

user review of the game Bookworm on shockwave.com.
