

Kiel was linkhopping today.

and had fun pondering individualism in modern russia
(see also contradictions and "I can see where the anarchists are coming from but...")
Tired - why does thinking about activism wear me out? Perhaps it makes me feel like I've wasted so much and everything I do is pointless. But I know that's not true. I've seen my occassional good deeds make a radical difference in someone's day (and that has to ripple out somewhere. no thing is one thing. a hurricane in the atlantic makes a butterfly fall off a twig in sri lanka)...but still I question motivation. Trying to put people into my debt so they owe me and now I control a piece of them? Trying not to wrap everyone I know up in string. Oh well. Too much thinking and I'm hungry. I might write more on this later. How do I manage to keep forgetting how much writing helps?


Whenever I play solitaire I play for world peace. Cuz otherwise it's a meaningless waste of time and I hate to waste my time. So I up the stakes. Make it interesting. Every move I make can be the difference between global harmony and nuclear annihilation. The fate of all mankind hinges on whether I go with the seven of spades or the jack of hearts. It's very intense. I sit there for hours sometimes planning my strategy. I have meetings with imaginary generals and military advisors. I take lengthy breaks to the patio, or, as I like to call it, Camp David. I can't tell you how many times I've blown up the world. It really pisses me off. I mean, not to sound like Miss America or nothing, but I'm all about the world peace. And when those cards fall into place and I disarm all them nukes and establish the Pax Tatsuya and usher in the Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity, I rejoice with all humanity and then move on to Minesweeper. Which, of course, I play for the rain forests.

- Tatsuya Ishida
Stupid food. You've been so good for about a month now. Why are you rebelling again?

tired and headachy. You mentioned sympathy pains...is sympathy sleepy possible?

: )


pushing words around my head with earthmovers. Rumbling engines and the smell of diesel fuel choke off this room and start to force me out of places that aren't well ventilated.

This is indeed a good thing.

::snicker to self::

a poet's world is nothing but shafts, be they of the phallic variety of the ventilation kind.
I am sick. Ew ew ew ew. I'm going to go to class. Thankfully, I only have one. Then when I get back here, I'm going to sleep for as long as I can. Hooray for having no other obligations!


sorry but i'm drunk and tired


Today is my birthday.

I am 22.

I woke up with a sore back.

I am old.

The end.


Syllabus for Modern Ideologies

6/19 Religious Foundations

6/23-24 Classical Liberalism

6/25 Traditional Conservativism

6/30 Anarchism

7/1 Marxism

7/2 Communism

7/3 Fascism & Nazism

7/8-9 Contemporary Liberalism

7/14 Democratic Socialism

7/15-16 Contemporary Conservativism

7/17 Fundamentalism

7/21 Environmentalism

7/22 Feminism

Where is my Mind?
You're smart, shy, and often nonsensical. You have dreams of being famous, and you're quirky enough that you just might pull them off. Some would call you a genius, others would call you insane, but in reality you're pretty well-adjusted. Take a vacation once in a while- it'll help take your mind off of your troubles.
Which Pixies song are you?


In non-internet-quiz news, contemplating visit to doctor's. I am growing increasingly weary and frustrated with this, and the more I grow annoyed and tired of it, the worse it seems to get.
Well, damn. Ready to go but too early. Note to self: set alarm clock back.

Starving, but no breakfast food to be found here...actaully, there are a couple things, but I have no desire to make breakfast. I'll have caffeine, sugar, and phosphoric acid in class. Woo!

Oh, that reminds me, I'd better dig my backpack out of my closet.




Dum de dum dum dum pah-RUM pah-RUM ba-da-ba ba-da-ba POW!

Listening now to Barry States, from the punch-drunk love website. On more week until it's out on dvd! HUZZAH!

Well, guess it's time to meander off to class...

Why is my political ideaologies class in the chem building? Oh well.

After much battling last night (NOT the rank and file, trebuchet kind, but the delete the file, re-install kind) I managed to get Stronghold re-installed. For some reason, it swore it was installed. Eventually, I managed to trick it into installing. Huzzah! Bow to your king. And after you're done that, get moving. I need more fletchers.

Sittin here in comfy pants and white shirt, listening to The Decembrists, killing time until class starts. I'm half-shaven, but my teeth are brushed. I do still have to iron all my clothes since I let them sit in the dryer forever.

Knowing it was a bad idea, I picked up Good Omes at about 1:30 am. I then proceeded to finish it. So I went to bed at 3:45. Then up at 8:15. Because I'm a dork.

Now I'm a tired dork in need of a nap. I'll get one, after class. Then make phone calls. Must. Work. On. UCF. Business. Incubator. Story.

That was Struggling Superhero. Now let's do it shatner-style!


That reminds me. I wish I had sacrificial ensigns dressed in red. Maybe I'll put jimmy in a red jumpsuit and see what happens.

Ok, time to continue getting ready...

Damn, I'm hungry


who's in a bunker who's in a bunker loose in a bunker roped in and running into walls broken nose bleeding over bayonets and when you weren't paying attention you drew the blankets around the box and sealed them off with your arms and eyes screwed shut and firmly welded mouth and if you think trembling will fracture the concrete you sir are sorely mistaken


it's been that kind of day noon bleeding into afternoon bleeding into evening and I'm really not looking forward to tonight
It seems I lost some posts....but that's ok. they were whiney posts made earlier this month. no great loss.


i don't want to be here i don't want to be out of bed hide me hide me hide me hide me hide me hide me
danger will robinson! boy is caffeinated
watching for eels (on leno) with tv muted listening to rah dio hed bum bum bum bum badada bum bum bum
dammit get bradshaw off and random model off I want eels!

rummaging around online stay away from the psych stuff! what am I, 15? You'd guess from my arm and my moping. Yepyepyep. oh well.
not hyper am I?

I trust you are safe and well up in the north and will probably come back with some outrageous accent, but I'll forgive you. but still! hope trip up went well and you are sleeping peacefully for the whole night.

different radiohead cd now and still no eels but I'm a reasonable man get off my case


halfway through second glass (yes glass not cup) off coffee, if you were wondering. but I'm sure you weren't. and who are you, anyway? if you're reading this, comment! email! leave a note in my guestbook! I get random guests but they never clue me in to who they are. rather depressing. no friends for me. almsot enough to make a man post stuff in his LJ and whore it out on the 'ol friends list.



That makes me cool, right? Or something.

Playing Saturday Morning...downtempo. Needs to be faster....
Other bandmembers are looking Devo in matching red outfits.

Gah. I hate to say it. But this is terrible. Where's the ROCK, dammit?

damn. rereading the above and it reads like I'm 13. Oh well. Back to radiohead.
listening to there there. Downloaded the video for it the other day...rather strange. but then again, it WAS a radiohead video. if they ever make a normal video I'll be really, really scared.

Oh yes. and what the HELL am I going to do about the article I have to work on tomorrow? Not looking forward to it. I have no real news...no good sources...blah blah blah! I'll have to call my editor. and pray. praying will be involved. So please, pick a random god and pray to them. I'm taking the sawed-off shotgun approach to religion.

We've moved on to The Sleepy Jackson. too bad I only have two songs of theirs.

I think I'll post and publish this now. Yep.


Videogames = first amendment protection

From the Court's opinion:
"if the First Amendment is versatile enough to 'shield [the] painting of Jackson Pollack, music of Arnold Schoenberg, or jabberwocky verse of Lewis Carroll, we see no reason why the pictures, graphic design, concept art, sounds, music, stories, and narrative present in video games are not entitled to similar protection."

Edit: The opinion is very good, easily understandable, and makes some good points. I recommend you read it (it's only 6 pages or so of text)
Saturday Morning
And who’s gonna play with me?
Six in the morning, baby
I got a long, long day ahead of me

The parents are sleeping soundly
The neighbors are dead as wood
I’m getting up and coming over
We gotta rock the neighborhood

Nothing’s ever gonna happen ‘round here
If we don’t make it happen
Sleep away the day if you want to
But I got something that I gotta do

It’s Saturday Morning
And this ain’t the place for me
I’m giving you warning, baby
We got a whole big, fat world to see

Nothing’s ever gonna happen ‘round here
If we don’t make it happen
Sleep away the day if you want to
But I got something that I gotta do
It’s Saturday Morning
And who’s gonna play with me?
Six in the morning, baby
I got a long, long day ahead of me

EELS - Saturday Morning

move move move shake up GO!


Don't counteract me! Not with that modem! Mercy! - RSG
baile para tener arriba el cielo
just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's therejust cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there ready to crash out and collapse or burn out and implode. fragments of naps and bits of dreams and leave.me.alone I just need to be quiet and hush, turn off.
Quick update:

Skimming through streaming tracks from HTTT - here's what I've noted:

Myxamatosis is more listenable
Sit Down Stand Up is a bit more complex
Backdrifts seems to be the same (but I didn't listen to the whole thing)
Have no fear, there is still clapping in We Suck Young Blood
Guitar seems a bit crisper on Go To Sleep
Where I End and You Begin is a bit more electronic in the intro...

and I'd do the rest but I'm really hungry and want the new eels cd. So zoom I go!

(by the way, I listened to the tracks streaming from mtv.com...quality was not the best, but passable....so some of my "changes" might just be realplayer/streaming issues)
I am going to be a broke bastard. Here is a list of cds that are coming out june 10th that I have a passing interest in (this is just june 10th, mind you)

Kenna - New Sacred Cow (FINALLY!)
Radiohead - Hail to the Theif (Their last pop album, says Thom. Even though I've had it for over a month I say (as we say in my apartment)..."I WILL BUY!"
James Mathus and His Knockdown Society - Stop & Let the Devil Ride (I hope this is more like Songs for Rosetta than the other album...have to listen to it first)
Guster - Keep It Together (I have no idea how this album sounds, but guster has yet to let me down)
Andrew Bird - Weather Systems (if the rest of the cd is half as good as "Lull", I'll be happy)

And this one isn't really my thing, but I know some people who might want to know about it:
Bitch & Animal - Sour Juice & Rhyme (illegal boobs!)

Speaking of cd's - I'm off to campus to buy the new EELS cd "Shootenanny!". (yes, the "!" is part of the title), and maybe run around in a square for a bit. Because I'm a square. And it's hip to be a square, you know.

Sorry. I'll leave now. 1 1/2 hours of sleep does not make for a coherent Brandon

Oh! I lied. I won't leave now. I know no one reads this but the one person who already knows this, but I'm posting it anyway.

Went to see John Vanderslice last night at the Orpheum (Jets to Brazil? Who? oh, the band he opened for? No, we didn't stick around for them). Gave him $5 since I burned a bunch of his songs to a CD instead of just buying it. He said if it were up to him, ALL of his stuff would be online. He's got as much up there right now as his record label will allow. We also discussed Eugene Levy and Rick Moranis (and no, I am not making that up). Then he put me on the list for tonight's show in Orlando...I may go. Have to see how the rest of the day pans out.

That is all.