

Oh no, really. you don't have to click the link. It's fine.
from green plastic:

"The Gloaming" was going to be the album title, [instead of HTTF] (according to Colin, the rest of Radiohead vetoed the idea for "sounding too proggy").

posted for those of you who have commented that Radiohead is our generation's King Crimson.
Overheard in the student union. said by a jacon (japanese anime convention) goer:

"I can't fit in being lazy, martial arts, weightlifting, and girls."




hands and chest



I love language!

I'm not as heavily into it as some people I know (no greek tattoos for me, thank you) but nonetheless it is a vast playground.

And thus he bursts from canals of venice and vaginas.

Digging through
vowels with trowels in
sands of consonants!
Consonance! Dissonance!
All in accordance!

Square pegs in round holes!
(paper cliché) Piñatas of
letters beaten/browsed with
sticks and magnifying glasses!

Flogging readers with (q)whips
and bad pun-ish//tor-ment:


yay! that felt good. I feel better. But then - that's the point of writing, isn't it?


Edit to kenna post thing because I'm too lazy to click edit even though typing all of this takes more effort:

CD Store on campus is a bit off, kenna is june 10th.


The cool chick at the store gave me a kenna promotional poster.

all these rhyme schemes are starting to get me down
Let's take a trip back in time...waaaaay back in time.

No, that's my 7th birthday party. Too far back. A little further.

No, that's...well, the less said about that the better. but too far.

Ah! There!

October 4th, 2001.
That's when the Kenna CD New Sacred Cow was supposed to come out. But then it got delayed. And delayed. And then it blew up. Had to be remade. Was shipped to Korea. Was danced on by Flamenco dancers. And is now, FINALLY, ready to be released NEXT WEEK. May 21st. 2003. 1 year, 7 months, and 23 days later.

About. Freakin'. Time.

Original comment on kenna release:
Oh yeah, and the Kenna cd is titled New Sacred Cow and comes out the 4th of this month, thankfully...any longer and I'd go insane.

Cy Coe had a mental expulsion of electrons at 11:12:08 PM.

I ended up not going insane, I think.
Rambling on rather self consciously while I'm stirring these condiments into my tea and I think I'm so lame that I think this blog is about me don't I don't I don't I?

Andrew (slight). I want a bowl of fire. He had one, but dispersed it; scattering ashes of jazz musicians across the US, I'm sure. Now he's in a lull with no 'cello or traps. Oh well. He can still fiddle around pluck pluck pluck.

I also want you and smooth skin and green eyes. I want blockoftext after blockoftext for you to run said green eyes over; watch text swim slightly, eyes crinkle lips crinkle (crackle, maybe? chapped-no-more).

Today, I will do laundry. Clean clothes clean sheets clean comfortor. I will work on Guernica. I will clean room. I will play videogames. I will do something about this excess of quarters I seem to have accumulated.

I will also smile and kiss you when you're not looking.



scuffed shoes from dragged feet. All hail the designated driver who drove simply so at least he could maintain sanity with own music.


Heh, if you do an MSN search for "nauseus", this site is the 3rd hit. Hooray for typos!

(someone came into this site after searching for just that. I wonder what they were looking for? hopefully not for the correct spelling)
It's nice to be able to b r  e   a    t     h      e.

thank you


Best. Matrix. Comic. Ever.

That is all.

Also note: first person to have deja vu (imagine accents all over the place) while making such a thing.
I just fell off of a cooler and stubbed my toe. Why was I standing on a cooler? Because I'm putting part of Picasso's Guernica up on my wall. In copper wire.

I do believe I am the first person in the world to have this happen to them.
I guess asking for more than 4 hours of sleep is asking too much.

Oh, wait. That was three hours. Math? What?
I can tell by the way you take your infusion
you've spent some time in a mental institution
oh what a dream life would seem if only...
they let you keep your etchasketch

you laugh like a banshee gesticulate your delirium
they treat you like a corpse keep you full of candy lithium
what a dream life would seem if only you could see
the world from inside an etchasketch.

I can tell by the way you reach your conclusions
you're the director of a mental institution
oh what a dream life would seem if only...
it hadn't been for Doctor B.

animate yourself an alternate reality
consummate a self-pleasing artificiality
you can have yourself a tea

I can tell by the way you take your infusion
you've spent some time in a mental institution
oh what a dream life would seem if only...
they let you keep your etchasketch

-- Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire, Tea & Thorazine

Liner notes from Andrew Bird:
"My brother, who is autistic, had his art supplies taken away from him by health care workers, ostensibly as a means of discipline."
"Dr. B. (Bruno Bettleheim), godfather of Autism and its diagnosis, concluded that Autism is instilled by the mother. He was, in my opinion, a bad man."

congratulations, you found the point where I get this way.



days weeks months years look how they fly by and has it been that long already? poetry wheels cds. things have changed since then. things have stayed the same since then.

I think I have dust in my eyes from this whirlwind.



The short of it: disposable DVDs that are only good for 48 hours when you open the packaging.

"Disney home video unit Buena Vista Home Entertainment will launch a pilot movie "rental" program in August that uses the self-destruction technology, the company said on Friday.

The discs stop working after a change in color renders them unreadable. They start off red, but when they are taken out of the package, exposure to oxygen turns the coating black and makes it impenetrable by a DVD laser.

Buena Vista hopes the technology will let it crack a wider rental market, since it can sell the DVDs in stores or almost anywhere without setting up a system to get the discs back."

Sounds to me like I could run the DVD through a disk doctor and have a clean surface one more. I want these DVDs to come out just so people will find away around them in 2 weeks, negating millions in research. It'll be great! Whee!

I can't wait to play around with this.
Andrew Bird does, too. Depression Pasillo, baby.
The Decemberists rock my pants. That is all.
My walls are becoming increasingly covered in copper wire. At some point I'll have to buy another spool!
I'm bored. I'll show you what I've done with the past few minutes of my life.

Posted by Overswarm on the Top Web Comics message board: (summary: help! does anyone understand these?)
4. A three-digit number is reversed so that the units digit and the hungreds digit are interchanged, to form a new and larger number. The product of the original smaller number and the new larger number is 65, 125. Find the original number.

My response:
For number 4, what I did was break it down into factors.

62,125 / 5 = 13,025

13,025 / 5 = 2,605

2,605 / 5 = 521

aaaaaaand....521 is a prime number. so it can't be reduced anymore.

So, since we're only multiplying 2 numbers together to get the answer, logic tells us to multiply all the 5's...giving us 125.

125 x 521 = 65,125

I'm a dork, but it was nice to do a math problem...never thought I'd say that. Order in the numbers, structure. I control them and as long as I do the right things they do what I want. Videogames at the simplest level....

At least 4 dreams and in every one you died or were here and I believed it every time until I woke up. It was a long night, and I can still taste the acid on my tongue from when I did finally, truly wake up.


soft hugs and warm hands for you.

feel better.


getting dusty.in.here.


Why am I awake now and not sleeping?

I execute/excuse/excrete my verse with all the skill of a fucking hammer right now. Staccato blasts from nailguns pierce deeper and with better rhythym than I can produce.


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

Evidently, violent videogames lead to violence in real life!

Welcome to Lost and (con)Found. Enjoy what you can (which is surprisingly little).

Cy Coe had a mental expulsion of electrons at 11:55:19 PM.

Two years ago today this little thing was started.


Arthur: "Tick, mail fo you."
The Tick: "Oooh, special delivery! The thrill of modern postism!"
I love kazaa!


I'm praying this is not white walls hugging
it was two years ago, just praying against everything this is not not NOT NOT NOT the same
please call please call please call please call please call


look at me
a refugee
from '73


This is what I get, all apologies, and not me in my skin. It's all I can be, it's all I know is real. I know I'm sorry, that's it. That's the only emotion I can pin down at times like these when it's not me in here. Everything else is lost, buried. Or maybe it was never there to begin with. Either way, it always feels like I'm a blank slate waiting to be scribbled on so I do my best with my chalk, but I erase everything before I get a chance to read it. The words that I do catch make me shiver and start to scream, but they are always erased before a release.

there should be so much more here or maybe it's so much less.

I made phone calls. Nothing from anywhere. Of course not. What good would I be if I didn't make sure to seal my failure at some point?

sorry for ridiculousness
article nowhere near done, but that's ok.

Grades are in!

News Reporting 1: B-
Spanish II: A
Mass Communication Law: A
Politics and Education: A

gettin' better...
playing around here, drinking coffee and looking at circular patterns of balls and tracking them...

productivity ain't my thing, baby.
music on loop acoustic zwan and iron maiden procrastination what?



(started several hours ago)

black and silver
drip hiss sizzle
slice hush drip
these are eveinings
spent with coffee
and lines

(but all.on.paper and not.on.me.)
I'm fine, I really am. It would seem. This is me, doing my thing. Deadlines, essays, minor things. Feeling vacant and empty so let's all raise hell and force out these emotions that seem to be missing.

Just so much easier to loosen the chain on the demon that has devoured my nights than call up the angel who has sung me to sleep.

Poke poke poke you awake you alive? Finger to my throat tells me yes, pulse is moving. Fingers tracing paths over black squares tell me yes, neurons are firing.

several hours later before post-and-publish. I don't want to keep writing in here. I have to write on donuts!
breathe and I know what this is. This is pressure deadline forcing out other stuff.

no. no. no.

Fuck off.
The defendant will be remanded to the bailiff and fresh mint in sparkling water
and fresh lime so nice serve 2-4 years in the county correctional institution
new mowed lawn a hammock kids playing in a sprinkler and Cañon City or until
such time as the defense carefree beautiful woman entwined sand fruits sunshine
can see no reason for leniency in this case considering candlelight red wine a
caeser salad all in sparkling an example to others who might likewise be tempted
to friends and women's lips dogs canaries hips and as for you, Miss, will you
please rise and face the tranquility and all its charm & all blessed in privacy

-Morphine, the jury

Stolen from a stealer...hehe

Will post more later


It's for the school paper, I swear!

Best. Article. Ever.