nothing to see here
I haven't updated in a long time, so here it is.
I still do not have a major. I hate making decisions. Argh.
I am now 21. A ridiculous birthday party was thrown here for me...really wasn't so much of a birthday party as "let's all get drunk and use brandon's birthday as an excuse!" which is most certainly fine with me.
I'm kickin' ass in my 2 summer classes, Spanish 1 and Humanistic Traditions 1, thankfully. I need the GPA filler so I can get my full scholarship back, and appease the parents somewhat.
I was up all night last night writing an essay for humanities. I took a nap at 7:30pm for 2 hours, worked away, took a 2 hour nap at 7:30am the next morning, then slept for 1 hour at 8pm tonight. The reason I mention this is because I'm not tired, and I find that odd. Oh well.
Once again proving I am a nerd of destruction, I bought Eternal Darkness for my GameCube...and it's a great, creepy game. I've also been playing more DDR songs, and can pass a couple on the toughest difficulty level. Odds are if you see me do DDR now, you'll never recall ever seeing me move so quickly. Unless you were trying to run me down in your car or shoot me or the like.
and I haven't written anything of substance in awhile, and it's starting to irk me. Although, when I'm writing, it's usually not a good sign, so maybe it's a good thing no poetry has been stuck up here. I don't know. Personally, I'd prefer to be writing; situation be damned. Lines escape my keys and pen but not me.