
Alright, it's been awhile. Let's see what's been going on, shall we?

I almost killed my laptop. I spilled water on it when it was on. I ripped out the power cord and yanked out the battery before anything happened. Then I stripped off all the covers, removed all the keys, and had a fan on it for 14 hours. I put it back together, and it seems to be doing alright.

I think I'm going to withdraw from physics. It's a very frustrating class, and not worth it. Especially since I don't need it anymore since I'm changing majors too...

...I'm not sure. Parents are trying to talk me out of creative writing (though I know if I sign up for it they won't stop me). They're afraid they'll end up supporting me for the rest of their lives...hehe. So maybe I'll be doing political science, or maybe, MAYBE going pre-law. That's what my dad's pushing for, I think. I'd enjoy the problem solving/tactical part of it. I could never be a trial lawyer, but there's numerous other types out there that would allow me to sleep at night with a clear conscience.

I've been playing even MORE DDR, and I'm starting to get decent at it. Exercise I enjoy...anyone see this coming?

I went home for my sister's graduation...she's now out of high school. The graduation was alright. Since when did graduations become talent shows where students sing "What I Did for Love" and "There can be Miracles"? Oh well. So that was last weekend. Tomorrow I'm going back home to serve as pallbearer for my great aunt who died last night. They disconnected her respirator. She hung on longer than anyone had ever expected, toughed out emphysema for quite a few years. Finally, though, she doesn't have to struggle.

I guess that's about it. Not much else to report that's not covered in 354 other self-serving whiny posts.



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