Listen up, all you people out there selling tubs, buckets, and containers of heart disease, various cancers, elevated cholesteral levels, and tasty, tasty french fries. I've HAD IT with your freakin' sizes! I was at Burger King the other day, and someone wanted a small fry. "Sorry, we don't have small fries. We have meduim, large, and instant-death-by-heart-attack." WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! Use your head, marketing people! You may as well make those small, medium, and large, and restore some order to this madness! Or, if you work at one of these places, start the Name Revolution! When someone asks for a small fry, and "medium" is the smallest you've got, give them "medium"! And after you're done with that, shoot your way up the Burger King / McDonald's / wherever-the-hell-you-work corporate chain until they fix it! Damn straight! And while I'm at it, you're next, Places-Which-Serve-Coffe! I've HAD IT with these crap sizes...Venti? Tall? Grande? What the hell! Give me small, medium, and large! I go into Panera's (a bakery / coffee shop) and order a "venti" drink (like it says on the menu) and they look at me like I have a poodle stapled to my forehead, and have no idea what I'm saying. I say "large" and they STILL screw it up! Argh! I surrender.
Thank you, that's it for Cy's Rant-o-Rama Vol. 3.
Look for Cy's Rant-o-Rama Vol. 4, coming to a blogspot near you.