Heh, I just took the quiz below again, and I got the same response as I did last year. Oh well. There are worse resolutions than seducing as many people as possible, I suppose.
Hey there, beautiful. What are you up to tonight?
Hey there, beautiful. What are you up to tonight?

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz
This was my randomly-assigned-by-a-quiz new year's resolution last year. My actual resolution was almost, but not quite entirely unlike, that resolution. And I actually accomplished my actual resolution, too. Amazing.
I haven't come up with one for the next year. Any ideas?
Hey rachel, if you see this before you check your email...uh...check your email! hehe
so, I just talked to you, making the post seen above obsolete (as well as the email it refers to). but I think I'll keep the post up, because I want to. Hyah!
so, I just talked to you, making the post seen above obsolete (as well as the email it refers to). but I think I'll keep the post up, because I want to. Hyah!
The cut-rate mime
Walking through the dirty streets
Of Paris in the hot August heat
Sun melting the fake smile away
Just looking for a place to stay
The actress gave up all her old dreams
And traded up now she is a queen
Royal families don't have time for that shit
Your crystal ball you keep it hid
The tractor trailer driver radios:
Help me someone I'm out here all alone
Truck driving the black night away
Prayin' for the light of day
The kid in the mall works at Hawt Dawg on a stick
His hat is a funny shape his heart is a brick
Taking your order he will look away
He doesn't have a thing to say
But me I'm feeling pretty good as of now
I'm not so sure when I got here or how
Sun melting the fake smile away
I think, you know, I'll be okay
eels - grace kelly blues.
and I will, too.
Walking through the dirty streets
Of Paris in the hot August heat
Sun melting the fake smile away
Just looking for a place to stay
The actress gave up all her old dreams
And traded up now she is a queen
Royal families don't have time for that shit
Your crystal ball you keep it hid
The tractor trailer driver radios:
Help me someone I'm out here all alone
Truck driving the black night away
Prayin' for the light of day
The kid in the mall works at Hawt Dawg on a stick
His hat is a funny shape his heart is a brick
Taking your order he will look away
He doesn't have a thing to say
But me I'm feeling pretty good as of now
I'm not so sure when I got here or how
Sun melting the fake smile away
I think, you know, I'll be okay
eels - grace kelly blues.
and I will, too.
You've got to hope that there's someone for you,
As strange as you are.
Who can cope with the things that you do,
Without trying to hard.
Cause you can bend the truth,
Til it's soothing you.
These things that you're wrapping all around you,
You never know what they will amount to.
If your life is just going on without you,
It's the end of the things you know.
Here we go.
You've got to know that there's more to this world,
Than what you have seen.
Cause we all have a limited view,
Of what it can be.
As we move along with our blinders on,
Each one of us feels a little stranded.
And you can't explain or understand it;
Each one of us on a different planet.
And amidst all the to and fro,
Someone can say hello.
Here we go.
The feeling that someone really gets you,
Well it's something that no one should object to.
It could happen today so I suggest you
Skip your habit of laying low.
It's the end of the things you know.
Here we go.
Cause someone can say hello,
You old so and so.
Here we go.
Punchdrunk Love soundtrack. There will probably be more lyrics posted today. Half joyous, half depressed. Is it possible to be both sides of the bi-polar coin at the same time? Want to post more, but don't really know what to say at this point. Maybe I'll figure something out later.
For now, though, I'm changing my little warning button and title. yep.
As strange as you are.
Who can cope with the things that you do,
Without trying to hard.
Cause you can bend the truth,
Til it's soothing you.
These things that you're wrapping all around you,
You never know what they will amount to.
If your life is just going on without you,
It's the end of the things you know.
Here we go.
You've got to know that there's more to this world,
Than what you have seen.
Cause we all have a limited view,
Of what it can be.
As we move along with our blinders on,
Each one of us feels a little stranded.
And you can't explain or understand it;
Each one of us on a different planet.
And amidst all the to and fro,
Someone can say hello.
Here we go.
The feeling that someone really gets you,
Well it's something that no one should object to.
It could happen today so I suggest you
Skip your habit of laying low.
It's the end of the things you know.
Here we go.
Cause someone can say hello,
You old so and so.
Here we go.
Punchdrunk Love soundtrack. There will probably be more lyrics posted today. Half joyous, half depressed. Is it possible to be both sides of the bi-polar coin at the same time? Want to post more, but don't really know what to say at this point. Maybe I'll figure something out later.
For now, though, I'm changing my little warning button and title. yep.
What do the following 3 sentences/phrases have in common?
Traffic bad? Try vibrating panties!
No one to play with? Play with yourself!
The price you pay for freedom is tolerance!!!
Give up?
They were all phrases on the marquee at the local porn store at one point or another. The tolerance one is up right now.
Let's see...what to post, what to post...I really would liket o go on a huge posting tear, and ramble and rant and elucidate and confuse, but I don't think that's going to happen. Ah well. I need sleep at some point in the near future. Not just a light sleep, I need COMATOSE sleep. I need beat-me-with-a-badger-tied-to-a-sledgehammer-and-I-still-won't-regain-consciousness-until-I-damn-well-please sleep.
On the plus side, I'm going to Rocky's Replay today. It's been over a month! I'm looking forward to flailing like a madman on the DDR machine.
Also, I picked up a job application from Wal-Mart. Going to turn it in tomorrow. We'll see how it goes...they said they're hiring for the new location. If I could get a job there it would actually be very, very good because the new store is a block away. I could walk there in 5 minutes. It's not your standard Wal-Mart, either...it's the "Neighborhood Market", complete with....uh...a bunch of stuff normal Wal-Mart doesn't have. Most importantly a liquer store. Because what neighborhood isn't complete without one? And the store is earthtones...not blue and white. At least, that's what it looks like on the outside.
I think that's about it for now. I need some iced tea. And acetaminophen.
About damn time. They are desparately needed.
That is all. Brandon //out//
Traffic bad? Try vibrating panties!
No one to play with? Play with yourself!
The price you pay for freedom is tolerance!!!
Give up?
They were all phrases on the marquee at the local porn store at one point or another. The tolerance one is up right now.
Let's see...what to post, what to post...I really would liket o go on a huge posting tear, and ramble and rant and elucidate and confuse, but I don't think that's going to happen. Ah well. I need sleep at some point in the near future. Not just a light sleep, I need COMATOSE sleep. I need beat-me-with-a-badger-tied-to-a-sledgehammer-and-I-still-won't-regain-consciousness-until-I-damn-well-please sleep.
On the plus side, I'm going to Rocky's Replay today. It's been over a month! I'm looking forward to flailing like a madman on the DDR machine.
Also, I picked up a job application from Wal-Mart. Going to turn it in tomorrow. We'll see how it goes...they said they're hiring for the new location. If I could get a job there it would actually be very, very good because the new store is a block away. I could walk there in 5 minutes. It's not your standard Wal-Mart, either...it's the "Neighborhood Market", complete with....uh...a bunch of stuff normal Wal-Mart doesn't have. Most importantly a liquer store. Because what neighborhood isn't complete without one? And the store is earthtones...not blue and white. At least, that's what it looks like on the outside.
I think that's about it for now. I need some iced tea. And acetaminophen.
About damn time. They are desparately needed.
That is all. Brandon //out//
Rolling Stone cover with Christina Aguilera
Would she still be clothed if she had remained in South America doing folk music?
Edited in reaction to Rachel's comment...
...yeah, I was thinking of Shakira. D'oh!
Oh well. Doesn't change the fact that Christina has less clothing every time I see her...
Would she still be clothed if she had remained in South America doing folk music?
Edited in reaction to Rachel's comment...
...yeah, I was thinking of Shakira. D'oh!
Oh well. Doesn't change the fact that Christina has less clothing every time I see her...
Customers who wear clothes also shop for:
Clean Underwear from Amazon's Target Store
Cut-and-pasted from a page for a CD.
I have no idea if the above is a joke or not...the "clean underwear" was the first item in a bulleted list. The rest of the list wasn't noteworthy.
Clean Underwear from Amazon's Target Store
Cut-and-pasted from a page for a CD.
I have no idea if the above is a joke or not...the "clean underwear" was the first item in a bulleted list. The rest of the list wasn't noteworthy.
ekgotmilk (3:17:01 PM): ciao!
Cy Coe (3:17:17 PM): adois!
ekgotmilk (3:17:23 PM): adois?
Cy Coe (3:17:45 PM): it's french
Cy Coe (3:17:48 PM): for adios.
ekgotmilk (3:18:01 PM): is it really?
I think Erin drank too much this weekend. Poor Erin.
Cy Coe (3:17:17 PM): adois!
ekgotmilk (3:17:23 PM): adois?
Cy Coe (3:17:45 PM): it's french
Cy Coe (3:17:48 PM): for adios.
ekgotmilk (3:18:01 PM): is it really?
I think Erin drank too much this weekend. Poor Erin.
Things I learned this weekend!
Vomit CAN be ethnocentric
What Favrile glass is
Daschunds reign supreme in Blanchard Park
Olives have no nutritional value, according to Christopher Walken
Nothing is scarier than David Bowie on cocaine in a recording studio
I think that's about it for now. Need to go Christmas shopping / job hunting. Joy!
Vomit CAN be ethnocentric
What Favrile glass is
Daschunds reign supreme in Blanchard Park
Olives have no nutritional value, according to Christopher Walken
Nothing is scarier than David Bowie on cocaine in a recording studio
I think that's about it for now. Need to go Christmas shopping / job hunting. Joy!
"'...the Planet has taken all precautions against crowds for the past hundred years. What is our total population today? Six hundred million, we hope; five hundred, we think; but - but if next year's census shows more than four hundred and fifty, I myself will eat all the extra little babies. We have cut the birth-rate out - right out! For a long time we have said to Almighty God, "Thank You, Sir, but we do not much like Your game of life, so we will not play. " ' "
- Dragomiroff, in Rudyard Kipling's As Easy as ABC
- Dragomiroff, in Rudyard Kipling's As Easy as ABC
No 4th Wall to Break
This is a suitably random comic that I thoroughly enjoy...it is the only comic I know that features Odin!
This is a suitably random comic that I thoroughly enjoy...it is the only comic I know that features Odin!
Leninade: A taste worth standing in line for.
Leninade: A taste worth standing in line for.
An evening well spent:
mexican food
apartment - Iron Chef Chairman singing Les Mis? Oh yes. And Bruce Sterling.
nose piercing
sacred grounds - heretics
porn store
apartment - sci-fi and cats and Cirque du Soleil
mexican food
apartment - Iron Chef Chairman singing Les Mis? Oh yes. And Bruce Sterling.
nose piercing
sacred grounds - heretics
porn store
apartment - sci-fi and cats and Cirque du Soleil
I wish Abraham Lincoln would measure the diameter of me.
I'd let you all know my diameter, but I don't have a tape measure.
I'd let you all know my diameter, but I don't have a tape measure.
the following was posted in a livejournal by a friend of mine named Mauvis, who I never really talk to, but was/is a fan of my comic. It's people like him that give me faith in everything else. People say don't sweat the small stuff, but it is the small things that make life worth living.
yesterday I went to my photo 1 labs for the first time and it was kind of funny. We have an interpreter that comes with us because we have about 9 hearing-impaired students in our class of 30. So here we all are, in this medium sized darkroom with all 30 of us and the lights go out (we are developing our rolls.) Just imagine what its like for the deaf students. They have just lost half their most important senses. They can't see or hear. So there's almost no way to communicate with them. We are supposed to be taking our rolls of film apart and winding them on the developing rolls but there's no way for the deaf students to know its their turn except by gently pushing them in the direction of the teacher. Me and this one deaf kid accidentally shot using TMAX instead of TRI-X so we had to sit out but they made us stay in the darkroom anyways. I think after 15 or 20 minutes he started freaking out and asking for someone to turn on the light. He was crouched down in a corner next to me. I don't think anyone heard him but he wouldn't have been able to hear any responses anyway. The lights couldn't be turned on until everyone was done with their film or they would be exposed when the lights turn on. I was bored and saw this faint glow coming from a temperature indicator thing so I started waving it around in front of him. He laughed and took it so I got another one and we started copying each other's motions and doing other silly stuff. This made him laugh profusely and I laughed too. After about 10 more minutes the lights were turned on and the next process of developing was started. I finally got to leave cause I'm switching to photo II but i'll miss those deaf kids. They're really something else.
yesterday I went to my photo 1 labs for the first time and it was kind of funny. We have an interpreter that comes with us because we have about 9 hearing-impaired students in our class of 30. So here we all are, in this medium sized darkroom with all 30 of us and the lights go out (we are developing our rolls.) Just imagine what its like for the deaf students. They have just lost half their most important senses. They can't see or hear. So there's almost no way to communicate with them. We are supposed to be taking our rolls of film apart and winding them on the developing rolls but there's no way for the deaf students to know its their turn except by gently pushing them in the direction of the teacher. Me and this one deaf kid accidentally shot using TMAX instead of TRI-X so we had to sit out but they made us stay in the darkroom anyways. I think after 15 or 20 minutes he started freaking out and asking for someone to turn on the light. He was crouched down in a corner next to me. I don't think anyone heard him but he wouldn't have been able to hear any responses anyway. The lights couldn't be turned on until everyone was done with their film or they would be exposed when the lights turn on. I was bored and saw this faint glow coming from a temperature indicator thing so I started waving it around in front of him. He laughed and took it so I got another one and we started copying each other's motions and doing other silly stuff. This made him laugh profusely and I laughed too. After about 10 more minutes the lights were turned on and the next process of developing was started. I finally got to leave cause I'm switching to photo II but i'll miss those deaf kids. They're really something else.
Not much going on, just feel the need to write for a bit.
Got a lot of studying done tonight, actually read the book for my Florida Politics exam tomorrow. Creepy. I hope I do well enough to ensure a B in that class. It would be nice....it would "b" nice, too. Hah! I strike again.
Need to find a job. We'll have to see how I do with that tomorrow. May do some job hunting. Most likely, though, I'll do some on Thursday when I don't have an exam.
Been listening to a LOT of Tori Amos...she has such a beautiful voice.
In other news, my pants are on fire.
The last bowling league is tomorrow night...hopefully I won't play terribly as I have done these past few weeks.
The AC in my apartment started leaking again today. Maintenance came in and hacked a nice big hole in the section right below the unit, then messed with the pipes for a bit. This seems to have fixed the problem, but we shall see!
I think that's about it for right now, enough random babbling for one night. Goodnight, all!
Got a lot of studying done tonight, actually read the book for my Florida Politics exam tomorrow. Creepy. I hope I do well enough to ensure a B in that class. It would be nice....it would "b" nice, too. Hah! I strike again.
Need to find a job. We'll have to see how I do with that tomorrow. May do some job hunting. Most likely, though, I'll do some on Thursday when I don't have an exam.
Been listening to a LOT of Tori Amos...she has such a beautiful voice.
In other news, my pants are on fire.
The last bowling league is tomorrow night...hopefully I won't play terribly as I have done these past few weeks.
The AC in my apartment started leaking again today. Maintenance came in and hacked a nice big hole in the section right below the unit, then messed with the pipes for a bit. This seems to have fixed the problem, but we shall see!
I think that's about it for right now, enough random babbling for one night. Goodnight, all!
it's all over now.
I'm sitting here studying for an exam, and listening to a bunch of.....
.....tori amos?
so it would seem.
And if I die today I'll be the happy phantom
and I'll go chasin' the nuns out in the yard
and I'll run naked through the streets without my mask on
and I will never need umbrellas in the rain
I'll wake up in strawberry fields everday
and the atrocities of school I can forgive
The happy phantom has no right to bitch
I'm sitting here studying for an exam, and listening to a bunch of.....
.....tori amos?
so it would seem.
And if I die today I'll be the happy phantom
and I'll go chasin' the nuns out in the yard
and I'll run naked through the streets without my mask on
and I will never need umbrellas in the rain
I'll wake up in strawberry fields everday
and the atrocities of school I can forgive
The happy phantom has no right to bitch
another short random post.
I really, really, really like tori amos's winter...
between the tori and the bitch and animal on my comp now, you wouldn't know what to make of me!
but damn, winter is a beautiful song...
I really, really, really like tori amos's winter...
between the tori and the bitch and animal on my comp now, you wouldn't know what to make of me!
but damn, winter is a beautiful song...