
In an empty classroom in the communications building, talking myself out of buying the new Damien Rice cd.

Nothing planned for the rest of the day except to interview Mike Riegel for my profile feature story. That's due Monday. I have a business story due Tuesday I need to work on...I think I'll write about the Central Florida Future.

Tomorrow is the underwear party...should be interesting if nothing else.

Well, going to wander back home, make some iced tea, eat some spicy chicken wings, and see if I can find some damien rice tracks online.

Oh yeah, and I bought a ticket to the Walkmen today.

I hate going to shows by myself, but damn it, I REFUSE to miss this.

Oh yes, and adding to my annoyance, I found two great errors in the Future...I love the people they hired instead of me. They're so GOOD at their job.

Take this caption, for example. Keep in mind that copy editors write the captions:
Despite the religious connotations, the lyrics however are spiritually ambiguous.

Good job there, guys. Keep up the good work.

Oh yeah, and good job misspelling Dana's name TWICE in her taglines. Hey, at least you got it right once out of the three times it appeared. Not too bad, right?

What, me bitter?

Prof. Brunson gave me a great idea:
I'm saving all of these errors.
Next time I apply for the position, I'm submitting my information in a manilla envelope with the errors pasted around the outside.


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