
This is copied directly from someone's journal on Top Web Comics...I take no credit for this whatsoever.

As far as existentialism and philosophy goes, I have this to say...

It was time for everyone to turn in their essay for philosophy class, and the essay was the entirety of their exams. All of their grades depended on this one test. The topic of the essay? Well, the proffessor stuck a chair on his desk and told the students "Prove to me in your essay that this chair does not exist." That was the only requirement.

The students started the essay, and after about three minutes a student turned in his essay, much to the professors suprise. Then the student left. About two hours later the rest of the students were finishing up and turning their tests in.

The essays were graded the next day, and the results, along with the best essay, were posted on the professors door for the whole university to see.

The only student to get an A on the exam was the student who turned in his essay first. It was a simple two word essay.
It said, quite simply, and in exact terms.

"What Chair?"

The lesson, Beleive.


addendum to previous post: I find it humorous that the only thing I really, really cannot tolerate is intolerance...it annoys me far more than it should.


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