
Posted for the sake of a post, and it's utter randomness:
Dreams I had last night.

A man in a hospital, where I was a doctor, got steven spielberg to give him crazy powers in a locker room, and then went on a killing spree throughout the hospital. He could turn into a dog, and the only way to kill him was to burn him. Eventually, I was on the first floor of the hospital and it went on lockdown at the first floor, basically dooming everyone on the floors above. Then the door to the elevator on the first floor was boobytrapped to shoot flames if it got down to the first floor. And my dad was dying of some crazy disease but wouldn't see a doctor. He also bought a badass computer 3 months ago, but never told me about it. I found it running as a server in the garage and he said he never told me about it because he didn't feel I needed to know about it or use it.



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